Kylie Grace Overton is the 2-1/2 year old daughter of Nikki Cline and Sam Overton and the granddaughter of Mike and Teresa Cline. In the span of less than a week, Kylie and her family have been through a tremendous ordeal. Kylie had been diagnosed with a brain tumor, was airlifted to St. Jude Medical Center in Memphis and was scheduled to have surgery Monday, January 3rd. Her condition worsened and she was rushed into emergency surgery the night before. She has made it through surgery -- the tumor has been removed and she continues to have full use of her extremities. The battle is not over, however, as Kylie and her family are in need of prayer and support from a caring community. Volunteer Federal has been asked by the family to establish an account and begin accepting donations to help them with medical and travel expenses. Please make your donation at any Volunteer Federal branch today.For more information on Kylie's story, see her Facebook page at